Study overview
The American Tobacco Trail is the flagship rail-trail of North Carolina; the shining example of how successful a rail-trail can be! The sustainability and community use of the trail is a top priority for North Carolina Rail-Trails. Recent concerns about crime on the trail have impacted the public perception of this trail, as well as the nearby neighborhoods. This study examines the public’s perception of crime and compares it with the reality of true crime statistics, while also looking at ways to increase usership and make the trail safer for everyone. The study is complete and the results are available below.
The results of the study are available here as a summary document and the full research report.
Participants add their input about the advantages and issues on the trail.
Funded by: Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation
About Us
Principle investigator: North Carolina Rail-Trails: Carrie Banks, former Executive Director, and Emily Herbert, current Executive Director
Partner investigators: North Carolina State University’s Department of Landscape Architecture, Professor Kofi Boone, and North Carolina Central University’s Academic Community Service Learning Program.
Study Press
How Dangerous is the American Tobacco Trail Really?
Culture of Health: Journey or Destination?
Photo copyright Nancy Pierce