Local Contacts

The County contacts listed below are our liaison to local rail-trails around the State. They are generally familiar with unused rail corridors and rail-trail projects in their respective County. Feel free to contact them if you have questions about unused corridors or about using or volunteer opportunities for existing rail-trails.

Ashe County - Joe Baccardy, (336) 982-9828
Beaufort County - Vernon Teeter, (252) 943-1626
Carteret County - Julianne & Paul Fontoney, (252) 504-2947
Caldwell County - Merlin Perry, (828) 754-7362
Caswell County - Forrest Altman, (336) 234-8556
Catawba County - Kenyon Kelly, (828) 324-8924
Chatham County - Margaret Jordan-Ellis, (919) 898-4814
Cherokee County - Frank Mason, (828) 835-3812
Cleveland County - Fred Blackley (704) 484-1731
Columbus County - Terry Mann, (910) 642-5029
Cumberland County - Paul Wilson, (910) 323-4986
Durham County - Dave Connelly, (919) 544-6372
Gaston County - Jack Kiser, (704) 854-6632
Granville County - Jackie Sergent, (252) 492-7915x236
Guilford County - Joe Best, (336) 834-8382
Halifax County - Christina Gordon, (800) 522-4282
Harnett County - Thomas Jernigan, (910) 892-6260
Hendrson County - Mike Oliphant, (828) 693-7615
Lincoln County - Chafin Rhyne, (704) 735-1746
Martin County - Russell Overman, (252) 792-1910
Mecklenburg County - Nancy Pierce, (704) 458-5503
New Hanover County - Chris O'Keefe, (910) 341-7444
Onslow County - Mike Wetzel, (910) 938-5307
Pasquotank County - Dave Copley, (252) 330-4514
Pender County - Dee Turner, (910) 259-1330
Pitt County - Charles Farley, (252) 355-6474
Rockingham County - Katherine Mull, (336) 627-6270
Rutherford County - Eric Wells, (828) 286-9673
Sampson County - Ali Turpin, (910) 229-0924
Stanly County - Lindsey Dunavnt, (704) 984-9560
Stokes County - David Simpson, (336) 969-6121
Transylvania County - Mike Domonkos, (828) 884-7648
Wake County - Leslie Kennedy, (919) 362-4011