July 2012

Rail-Trails = Sustainable Tourism

Researchers from New Zealand and Austrailia expound on the many wonderful characteristics of rail-trails.  Dr. Ariann Reis and Carla Jellum of the University of Otago just released a study on rail-trails and tourism.  The key finding "The relatively low development and maintenance costs associated with rail trails, the educational opportunities available due to historical significance of some railway lines and the potential for community involvement can be considered significant facilitators for the development of a a strong tourism product based on rail trails.  For more information continue reading here.

RTP Reauthorized through 2014

The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) has been reauthorized for two more years.  The RTP is the funding program that has sustained state trail programs for the past two decades.  The RTP will receive $85 million in annual funding for the next two fiscal years.  Since the RTP was first authorized in 1991, the program has become the foundation for state trail programs nationwide, providing essential partnerships among diverse trail enthusiasts, government officials, and national organizations in the conservation recreation and transportation fields.  The Leaders of the Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) credits this success to the RTP's Congressional champions, Senator Klobuchar(MN), Representative Petri(WI) and Representative Michaud(ME).  The CRT also thanked the coalition's member and thousands of grass-roots advocates, who contacted their Congressional delegations repeatedly during the year-long reauthorization process to express their support for the RTP and explain the importance of RTP-funded trail projects to their communities.