lines once brought our communities to life.
brought commerce to town, enriched community culture and provided easy
access to travel far and wide. These monumental infrastructure investments
have existed a century or more. Today, it is a nearly 50-50 chance that
any one corridor has fallen into disuse and already may have disappeared
through neglect and lack of vision. Practically no public thought is given
to preserving or utilizing these valuable assets. Surviving rail corridors
beg your attention. Let yourself imagine how these assets again can serve
for another 100 years.
GREENBELTS ~ Railroad corridors are long-established buffers between commercial, industrial and residential properties. Allowing a corridor to be broken up and disappear wastes a valuable community asset. Consider the consequences and the lost options. Greenways protect these buffers while enhancing their community value. Foot paths, bikeways, historic preservation, nature study and beautification are integrated with many corridor preservation plans. INFRASTRUCTURE ~ Our cities and towns grew up around railroads. A rail corridor is an integral part of most communities. At a minimum, the corridor is an important surface drainage feature. Looking ahead, rail corridors provide valuable utility lanes for water, sewers, power, gas and communications. Obtaining new rights-of-way for these services outweigh the cost of corridor preservation. Utility leases generate significant public income in some locations. TRANSPORTATION
~ Will your community or region ever need rail
service again? It is an important option that only can be exercised through
corridor preservation. And for the present, pedestrian paths and bikeways
can reduce traffic congestion, help conserve energy and contribute to community
livability. Utilizing corridors for alternate transportation options is
wise community planning. PRESERVATION ~ Take a walk along your rail corridors. See how most of the community's historically significant structures are in sight? Can you save the old depot for community activities? Are those old houses and commercial buildings worth protection? Rail corridor preservation often launches adjacent projects that reverse blight, improve property values and enhance community pride. Putting history on display can be used for economic advantage. RECREATION ~ Old rail corridors make wonderful linear parks. They are the most cost-effective way to provide safe, off-road hiking, bicycling, skating and saddle riding facilities for a community or region. Rail-trails provide high-use, low-maintenance facilities that are popular with all ages and suited to all physical capabilities. These linear parks are popular community amenities that often enhance neighboring property values. CONSERVATION
~ Rail corridors have been in place and relatively undisturbed
for more than a century. They provide scarce natural habitat and often
nurture endangered plant and wildlife species, even in urban settings.
A linear park can be a living lab for nature study and education. Why are our rail corridors disappearing?North Carolina's 5,200-mile rail system has shrunk to 3,200 miles and continues to lose corridors each year. Under present state laws and policy, adjacent property owners can claim the majority of surplus corridors, thus denying preservation and further public use. A comprehensive state policy is needed to reassert public interest in all corridors for transportation and many other public purposes. Support the North Carolina Rail-Trails move to protect public
interest in these valuable assets. Or send $25 membership payment directly to: |
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